1. 02 Jul 2024 Pwning a Brother labelmaker, for fun and interop!
  2. 03 Apr 2024 I lost my pg_control again (... yet another data recovery story)
  3. 27 Feb 2024 Stakes bigger than life: fixing ext4 under pressure
  4. 27 Aug 2023 Building a luggable computer (for absolutely no reason)
  5. 21 Nov 2022 Making MDR-V6 wireless, the hard way
  6. 15 Feb 2022 My thoughts on writing a Minecraft server from scratch (in Bash)
  7. 28 Jan 2022 CuteBoard - Making a custom mechanical keyboard from scratch
  8. 02 Oct 2021 Installing Void Linux aarch64 on a Raspberry Pi4
  9. 21 Jun 2021 Bootstrapping Alpine Linux on Oracle Cloud servers
  10. 24 Sep 2020 SONY TA-AX330 faults and fixes
  11. 23 Jun 2020 Coaxial hacking
  12. 03 Mar 2020 Server Upgrades!
  13. 23 Dec 2019 Kurisu Xmas Stream - a look behind the scenes
  14. 08 Apr 2019 Windows 3.1 Flash Edition
  15. 06 Jan 2018 How to avoid Meltdown, and why you shouldn't be that worried about it
  16. 10 Dec 2017 Why Doom was so revolutional?
  17. 26 Nov 2017 ThinkPad X32 and Linux space optimizations
  18. 22 Nov 2017 Bad experiences with ThinkPad 760EL